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    The Democratic National Committee (DNC) faces mounting criticism and allegations of stifling democratic competition by impeding the inclusion of third-party candidates on election ballots nationwide. As reported by several media outlets, including NBC where this statement originated, the DNC “is building its first team to counter third-party and independent presidential candidates as the party and its allies prepare for a potential all-out war on candidates they view as spoilers.” 

    “If the Democratic National Committee (DNC) had a candidate who inspired trust, who protected our freedoms, who developed and implemented policies that helped hardworking Americans afford groceries and pay mortgages, who worked to end the cycle of forever wars, who ensured that big pharma profits were not placed above health and safety, then it wouldn’t have to hire a hit squad of dirty tricksters to deny Americans their basic voting rights, censor and vilify opposing ideas, withhold secret service protection and bring frivolous lawsuits”, said Tony Lyons, co-founder of AV24, the super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s candidacy for president.  

    The rise of independent voters mirrors a broader trend of disillusionment with the two-party system as Americans seek alternatives that better reflect their values and priorities. CNN also reported that long-time Democrats are abandoning the party and throwing their support to Bobby Kennedy. 59% of Americans don’t want a rematch between Biden and Trump.  Additionally, in a recent WSJ poll, 60% said Biden is not “mentally up for the job of president.”

    “The DNC is panicked and using every trick in their playbook, and inventing new ones, to keep Mr. Kennedy off the ballot. But recent polling shows that 70 percent of voters want an alternative to Biden and Trump and, when they get to know Mr. Kennedy, they will understand why he’s their best option. The Lis Smith run anti-Kennedy task force shows their desperation. And that desperation makes sense because voters are increasingly drawn to Mr. Kennedy’s honesty, integrity and authenticity and his insurgent and disruptive campaign aimed at defending our freedoms, getting us out of the endless cycle of foreign wars, fighting inflation so that middle class Americans can afford groceries and pay mortgages, protecting our borders, and ending the chronic disease epidemic that is brought to us by the corporate capture of our public health agencies,” said Tony Lyons, co-founder of AV24, the super PAC supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s candidacy for president.

    On Tuesday, Kennedy is set to announce his running mate for Vice President in Oakland, California.  

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